Create New PGP Keys
>>> For Authorized Access Only <<<

If you are using PGP 6 or PGP 7 on PC, please check here
for a less secure but compatible version of PGP keys.
If you are using PGP 8 or GPG 1.2, do not check this.

Your Account Information for Authentication
Email Address: @ Small letters only
Display Name: In English only, for example, John Smith
Password: If you have just changed your password,
enter the new password here.
Your New PGP Passphrase:
Your pgp passphrase is needed when you decrypt a pgp-secured email.
> Do not use your email password as pgp passphrase.
> Do not use the same passphrase for different accounts.
> Do not re-use your old passphrases.
> Do not use your passphrase for online shopping accounts or bbs accounts.
> Your passphrase must be at least 8 characters long, must have capital letters and numbers,
     and must be different from your email address, password, or name.
> Write down your passphrase and put it in a safe place if you cannot remember it.
> Recommended Passphrase: Qdzzngg0
Passphrase: Enter your desired passphrase
Passphrase: Type your passphrase again to confirm